Latin Name : Cymbopogon Citratus.Part Of Plant Used : Leaves.Source : Guatamala.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.This Lemongrass Essential Oil is extracted from Cymbopogon citratus, also known as 'oil grass', from the fresh or partly-dried leaves by steam distillation. This oil is said to fight fatigue, and help refresh a tired body and mind. It is also a pleasant-smelling way of keeping a pet free of fleas and ticks. Lemongrass contains citral which provides the main flavour in lemon peel.Lemongrass oil is believed to relieve jet lag, headaches, nervous exhaustion, and stress. It boosts the parasympathetic nervous system, for faster recovery from an illness, and stimulates glandular secretions. It helps tone muscles and tissue, hence relieving muscle pain. It's useful for treating sore throat, laryngitis, and fever, and helps stop the spreading of infection. It helps with colitis, indigestion, and gastroenteritis. It clears oily skin and reduces excessive perspiration. It can irritate the skin, however, so care must be taken when used on skin. Avoid use during pregnancy.Lemongrass is a perennial aromatic grass that used to grow wild in India, where it is known as choomana poolu. It is also known as Indian Verbena or Indian Melissa oil and is used in Ayurveda, the ancient traditional art of healing, to help bring down fevers and treat infectious illnesses; it is therefore also called 'fevergrass'.
Dimensions:9.5x3.7 (cm)

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